Professional end-to-end test management services
We understand and support the management of the projects, understand the operational environment, development processes, and the challenges of deployment. We work in a large enterprise environment in a disciplined and predictable manner.
When should you contact us?
If you (or your Company) are experiencing regular testing problems in the development process, which is not normal, we'll show you how it can be done differently.
If your current testers are having difficulty applying enterprise processes
If you're fed up with turnover, having trouble finding qualified testers, automation engineers.
If you(or your Company) want to take the burden of a large area off a possibly overworked project management team.
If the difference between Western and Central European senior fees has room for improvement elsewhere in the project.
Quality - Reliability - Expertise
Test managemet, Testing
What we know:
- We PLAN TESTING, taking into account integration and data issues required for testing
- We DEVELOP TEST CASES based on requirements, define test sets for smoke, integration, functional,and regression tasks.
- If required, we also design SAFETY AND LOAD TEST cases
- We support both the traditional WATERFALL, long release period and AGILE METHODOLOGY with up toweekly schedules
- We book testing resources, we manage the FLEXIBLE SCHEDULING that often comes with testing,
- up to continuous 7*24 AVAILABILITY in case of need and incidents
- Information captured in our internal knowledge management system is shared with the entire development team as required, supporting the information needs of other areas
- We take over VERSION AND TEST ENVIROMENT MANAGEMENT tasks from project management, keeping in touch with the developer and operations
- We provide our partners with a clear view of the entire testing process through TRANSPARENT and traceable administration
- 100% easy to organise and schedule online communication
We are professionals at testing. The service may looks unexpensive from the USA or Germany, but in Hungary it makes senior pay a priority. We work with the bests in key positions, and we expect accuracy and precision from all our colleagues, because that is the basis of the trouble-free testing we undertake.
Our guide fees:
400 USD/manday for key competencies (test manager, test automation expert, test consultant)
senior tester 200 USD/manday (25 USD/hour, per hour invoicing)
other fees may apply
Contact information
Prenex Informatics LLC.
1136 Budapest Lajos street 74-76. 4/25
Phone: +36 20 360 9572